Monday, June 1, 2009

I have learned a lot about the Integumentary system. This system that I have been studying has the content of the scalp, skin, and hair. I have been learning about what hair colors, shampoo’s, treatments, etc. affects the scalp and what kind of hair or skin damage you can have or get. The format I will be presenting will be a webpage. My webpage will show pictures of what can happen to your scalp or hair if you get any kind of damaging and compare it to the way it should be. My webpage will also show the information about what skin is, why it can get damaged so easily and what it can get damaged from. Making webpage’s is really fun. You learn how to personalise; you get to put a lot of fun into making it, and more. Webpage’s are good ways to present projects, make blogs and to connect with others.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds interesting...I hope that I will learn the name of a 'bad' chemical or two...

    I'm glad that you are enjoying the format for presenting :-)
